general thoughts

Created by tinacarpenter43 11 years ago
Not sure I can say too much on here , that didnt involve Rach swearing, not in a bad way, but one thing I do know is that she would be very proud of her children, They are one of the things we talked about constantly, whenever we actually got the chance to have a catch up, which was usually in the car park at the infant school waiting for kids to meet us from the juniors(in my case) and juniors and infants in hers. she used to tell me stories about what all of her brothers and sisters had been up too. The way she told these stories used to make me roar with laughter. Oh yes siblings in law I know stuff that Rachel told me ( all very boring ) Did i scare you.? She loved you all very much xx Family that was important to Rachel x okay thats me done xx see you all soon xxx